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Shopping Information

How can I place an order?

Ordering has never been simpler than on Battdepot USA . Take advantage of our extensive cross-reference database of over 120,000 different model descriptions to find the exact battery or adapter that you are looking for. Simply add the items to your shopping cart as you browse for everything you need and click on the checkout button at anytime to begin the order process.

What is Guest Checkout?

If you do not wish to become a registered user on our website, you can order items without registering by selecting the "Guest Check Out" option when you checkout. We will not perform any account verifications and will ship your order to the address that you specify.

What is the checkout process?

Once you've selected all the items you wish to buy and they are all listed in your shopping cart, you need to checkout the items and pay for the goods. Just like any grocery store or retail store, you must proceed to the checkout counter to pay for the items. After the items are checked out, you simply pay the total amount and we will ship you the items.

When will my product be shipped?

Here at Battdepot USA we use the latest technologies in resource planning to make sure we keep adequate stock on all our products. In the event that your product is out of stock, we will inform you of a possible delivery date which should be no longer than 2 weeks from your date of purchase. All in-stock orders will be shipped either the same day or the next business day.

Can I make changes to my order?

If you have not made payment for your order you can easily hit the back button on the bottom (not the back button on your browser) to return to the shopping cart page and make changes to your order. If you have already completed the transaction and made payment, please call our customer service line and a representative will help you cancel the order so that you may go back online and create the order with all the changes you would like to make. Please see the following question to find out the stipulations with canceling an order.

Can I cancel my order?

The order can only be cancelled if the item has not been packed or shipped. Please call our customer service line and a representative will check the internal status of your order. Once it is packed you are responsible for all the shipping charges to send the item(s) to you and the shipping charges to send the item(s) back to us.

How can I check the status of my order?

If you are a member of the website, you will see your order history with the status of each order in the main part of the screen when you login. To track your shipment, simply click the details link of the order you wish to check and then click over to the tracking tab to display the tracking number for your order. Click on the link and we will redirect you to UPS.

If you are NOT a member of the website, you will see a link from your order confirmation email. To track your shipment, simply click the link and we will redirect you to your order status.

Pricing and Availability Notes

Prices are listed in our Website and are subject to change without notice. Prices for certain government, corporate, and institutional customers may be set forth in a bid or other written agreement between the parties. Payment is due before shipment, unless credit terms have been arranged in advance with our credit department. In such case, payment terms shall be as set forth in the credit agreement.

Battdepot USA cannot guarantee that products and services advertised on the Website will be available when ordered or thereafter. Battdepot USA does not warrant that the content of the Website including, without limitation, product descriptions, cross-referencing or photographs, is accurate or complete.

Battdepot USA reserves the right to: (a) correct any error, inaccuracy or omission at any time without prior notice or liability to you or any other person; (b) change at any time the products and services advertised or made available for sale on the Website, the prices, fees, charges and specifications of such products and services, any promotional offers and any other Website content without any notice or liability to you or any other person; (c) reject, correct, cancel or terminate any order, including accepted orders for any reason and (d) limit quantities available for sale or sold.

The advertisements on the Website are invitations to you to make offers to purchase products and services on the Website and are not offers to sell. All prices and other amounts appearing on the Website are quoted in US dollars.

Order Acceptance Policy

Orders are not binding upon us until accepted by us. Terms of payment are within our sole discretion. Invoices are due and payable within the time period specified on the invoice, measured from the date of invoice. We may invoice parts of an order separately. Customer is responsible for, and will indemnify and hold Battdepot USA harmless from, any applicable sales, use or other taxes or federal, state or local fees or assessments associated with the order. Customer must claim any exemption from such taxes, fees or assessments at the time of purchase and provide the necessary supporting documentation. Any sales, use or other applicable tax or fees or assessments is based on the location to which the order is shipped. In the event of a payment default, Customer will be responsible for all of our costs of collection, including court costs, filing fees and attorney's fees.

Dangerous Goods Surcharge for Lithium Batteries

Effective January 1, 2017, UPS and FedEx Express will no longer accept UN 3480 Lithium Batteries tendered as IATA Section II. Section II batteries to be fully regulated as Dangerous Goods Section IB, $30.00 Dangerous Goods Handling Fee will be applied on each air shipment.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) amended regulations in transporting lithium batteries to the 63rd edition (2022). For more information, please visit IATA Website or view the Lithium Battery Guidance Document (pdf)