Coronavirus (Covid-19) Important information: We're working with our courier companies on safer deliveries to protect both their drivers and your health, so your Battdepot orders - can keep landing on your doorstep. This may affect the guaranteed delivery date, selecting safe places for packages to be left, and drivers signing on your behalf. Thank you for your understanding.

About Us

We specialize in selling aftermarket batteries for laptop / notebook computer , camcorder, digital camera and mobile / cellular phone. Our company, established in 2004, is dedicated to providing fast delivery and exceptional customer service. Many companies often run out of stock and tell you to wait for shipping times up to 4 weeks. The products you see on our site are always in stock and you can be sure that the delivery will reach you within 2 to 4 business days all over the world.

Our products are made with quality in mind. They are usually made with higher capacity cells to provide a longer usage time. All our products are sent through a stringent testing process from our manufacturing plants in Asia. We also have an in-warehouse technician on hand in our warehouses to personally test each battery before it's shipped to you, our customer. All our batteries are brand new from the manufacturer and not "refurbished" as a lot of other websites sell for lower prices.

Our prices are guaranteed to be very competitive within the industry. We believe that our ability to ship our products out to you in an efficient manner coupled with a testing process that is performed three-fold (once before shipping in Asia, once when our warehouses receive the shipments and once prior to sending out) will give you the confidence to choose us here at as your vendor of choice.

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